Our commitment is built upon internationally recognized principles on human rights, environment and anti-corruption. These principles stem from the UN Global Compact; the United Nations’ corporate social responsibility initiative that we joined in 2010.
In practice, our commitment means that we work to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse impacts on the triple bottom line. We communicate transparently about how we manage this work on an annual basis; about our progress, challenges and goals and our annual report is a tool of evaluating our progress.
We will work actively to manage potential and actual adverse impacts, which we cause or contribute to, or to which we are directly linked through our business relationships.
Social Responsibility
Our responsibility is of wide range, internally and externally and our daily work touches the lives of millions of people; caregivers, patients, and relatives.
Based upon internationally recognized principles for human rights included in the UN Global Compact, the International Bill of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights, we see it as our responsibility to have processes in place to ensure respect for human rights for everyone connected to Radiometer.
Environmental Responsibility
As a manufacturing company, we will undoubtedly impact the environment. It is therefore important to take responsibility and work to mitigate potential risks and install countermeasures. Our responsibilities towards the environment are evident in the UN Global Compact principles 7-9, deriving from the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
Economic Responsibility
We commit to being open and transparent about our business activities and will not participate in or support any form of bribery, corruption or fraudulent practices. For that reason, we have strict anti-corruption procedures and processes in place. Our economic responsibility is evident in the UN Global Compact Principle 10, deriving from the UN Convention against corruption.
Our Expectations
We expect all of our business relations to demonstrate respect for human rights, environmental, and anti-corruption principles. We expect business relations to avoid causing or contributing to adverse impacts on the triple bottom line.
This policy is reflected in all relevant policies, guidelines and procedures in the company. To ensure compliance, we encourage our associates and other stakeholders to call our attention to potential and actual adverse impacts on human rights, the environment, and anti-corruption that are associated with our products, services, or business relations. We expect our associates to help us live up to our commitment by reflecting this policy in their daily work.
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This policy is publicly accessible and communicated both internally and externally, and to ensure that we maintain focus on respect for the triple bottom line, we will evaluate and, if necessary, revise this policy regularly. Our policy commitment will be revisited on an annual basis.
This policy commitment outlines what we will do as a minimum in order to be in compliance with internationally recognized principles on human rights, environment, the economy as well as the Danish Financial Statements Act sections 99 (a) and (b).
Copenhagen, June 29, 2017
Henrik Schimmell,
President, Radiometer
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